This Week in History...

On October 11, 1956 a rumor spread like wildfire in Placerville. 

A large group of local kids at the Junior Varsity Football game left in search of Elvis Presley, said to have been staying at the Cary House under his hotel pseudonym Gene Smith. 

The youngsters, as well as some adults, flooded the lobby and hallways of the Cary House hotel and calls came in until after 11pm. 

The group of star-struck individuals knocked on virtually every door inside the Cary House, but it was nothing more than a wild-goose hunt.

This Week in History...

On August 22, 1848 Ulysses S. Grant, at age 26, married Julia Dent, age 22, at the White Haven Plantation.

Neither of their fathers approved of the match - hers because of Grant's career as a soldier, and his because the Dents were slaveholders.

Grant's parents refused to attend the wedding though they did come to accept Julia.